Category Archives: events&exhibitions

Piemonte Fabbriche Aperte | Regione Piemonte | 2017

103 factories open to the public on the 27th and the 28th of October. Guided tours to discover the industrial and manufacturing know how of Piedmont, jewels of the Made in Italy. ComunicArch was selected by the Department of Production Activities, Energy, Innovation and Research of Regione Piemonte to organise the event.

Client: Regione Piemonte

Period: September – December 2017

What we did: general organization, photographic survey of the event and the sites, video storytelling

Project leaders: Cristiana Chiorino and Laura Milan with Giulia Badella, Luca Begheldo, Laura Cardia and Giulietta Fassino (general organization), Fabio Oggero (photos and videos)

Architecture tours | Ordine Architetti Torino | 2016


In 2016 the Turin Chamber of Architects asked us to organise 4 tours around Turin for the general public. The tours aimed to be an opportunity to make known the projects that in the last years have transformed Turin into a Post-industrial reconstruction laboratory focusing on the retrofit of abandoned industrial areas into new cultural poles, reinventing new habits of living reusing buildings and restoring the historic center with contemporary micro inserts.

1. Contemporary inserts in the historic center

Centro Palatino (Massimiliano e Doriana Fuksas, 2011)

Casa Hollywood (Luciano Pia, 2014)

Isolato Santo Stefano (Isolarchitetti, Franco Fusari, Durbiano e Reinerio, 2006)

Casa del Senato (Studio De Ferrrari, 2012)

Palazzo della luce (Emprin Jaeger, 2016)

The Number 6 (Building Engineering, 2013)

Palazzo Ceriana-Racca (Studio Tra, 2013)

2. Torino former industrial city

Parco Dora Spina 3 (Peter Latz, Carlo Pession et al, 2011)

Chiesa Santo Volto (Mario Botta, 2006)

SNoS – ex Savigliano (Studio Granma, 2009)

Environment park (Emilio Ambasz, Benedetto Camerana, Giovanni Durbiano

e Luca Reinerio, 2002, Stefano Dotta, Alessandro Fassi e Andrea Moro 2006)

Museo A Come ambiente (Agostino Magnaghi 2008, Carlo Ratti 2015)

3. Contemporary residences

Ex Tobler (Franco Cucchiarati, 2009)

Ex Ceat (Studio Rolla e Vittorio Neirotti, 2008)

Parma 33 (BSA Bottega Studio Architetti, e giacosapalittoarchitetti, 2010)

Basic Village (Baietto, Battiato, Bianco 2000)

Luoghi Comuni (Studio Fagnoni e Associati Architetti , 2013)

4. Buildings in construction

The new headquarters of Reale Mutua (Iotti + Pavarani Architetti, 2016) and Lavazza (Cino Zucchi, 2016)

Pier Luigi Nervi exhibition | Budapest University of Technology | 2016

In 2016 the Faculty of Architecture in collaboration with the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics brought the exhibition “Pier Luigi Nervi. Art and Science in Building” to Budapest.

The venues:

  • from 21 March, 2016 at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • from 5 to 24 May at FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture

Link to the exhibition

The traveling exhibition is a project presented by Comunicarch on behalf of Pier Luigi Nervi Research and Knowledge Management Project (PLN).

Besides the exhibition the Budapest University has started a research on Nervi’s influence on the development of Hungarian concrete shell structures. The result of this work will be presented in a joint exhibition at FUGA, titled: “Frozen Modernity’ – The Heyday of Hungarian Shell Structures”.

Client: Budapest University of Technology

Project leader: Cristiana Chiorino

Period: March 2016

Final meeting Creso Project | Università del Piemonte Orientale | 2014

We have taken care of the Organisation of the final meeting of the project CRESOReligious Orders and Civil Society in Piedmont (1560-1860). The CRESO project joins five research units affiliated to three different academic institutions: Università del Piemonte Orientale, Università di Torino and Politecnico di Torino. The research was supported by Regione Piemonte, according to the scheme “Bando Scienze Umane e Sociali”.

What we did: 

  • conference programme
  • conference venues
  • conference speakers trips and overnight stays
  • social programme
  • communication and press relations

Client: Università del Piemonte Orientale

Period: June-July 2014

EAHN | Third International Meeting | 2014

Schermata 2017-08-22 alle 00.04.57
Schermata 2017-08-22 alle 00.05.31

After the successful European Architectural History Network (Eahn) Second International Meeting in Brussels, the network has organised a Third Pan-European Meeting in Turin, Italy, on June 19-21, 2014. We have taken care of the Organization of the conference:

  • conference website and programme
  • online registration process
  • conference venues
  • abstract administration and review
  • proceedings administration and review
  • social programme (1 Gala Dinner, 21 Tours in Turin and Piedmont in 5 days)
  • financial management
  • communication and press relations

Client: Polytechnic of Turin

Period: November 2013-June 2014


Nervi’s Sport Palace | The Olympic Museum – Lausanne | 2013

The Olympic Museum in Lausanne reopened its doors to the public on December 2013, after 23 months of work during which the new Museum has been entirely revamped. In the permanent exhibition we have contributed to the section “Architecture” in which a model of the Palazzetto dello Sport designed by Pier Luigi Nervi for the Olympic games of Rome 1960 is on show with some original pictures and a descriptive text.







Rome 1960

Pierre de Coubertin long dreamed of seeing the Olympic Games held in the Eternal City, a dream which eventually became reality in the summer of 1960.

While some vestiges of ancient Rome – such as the Baths of Caracalla or the Maxentius – were used for the occasion, brand new sports infrastructure was also constructed in record time. Benefitting from exceptional media coverage, thanks to television being used for the first time, the “new” Rome – reconstructed after the War – was thus revealed to the whole world.

Pier Luigi Nervi (1891-1979), an engineer, architect and businessmen who, starting in the 1930s, developed exceptional mastery of concrete, created the architectural symbolism of the Rome Games, with the design of four structures: the Palazzetto dello Sport (in collaboration with architect Annibale Vitellozzi), the Flaminio Stadium, the Sports Palace (in collaboration with architect Marcello Piacentini) and the Corso Francia viaduct. Produced in only four years, these projects, with their corrugated or ribbed lines and moulded pillars, combine classical shapes and technological innovation.

The Palazzetto dello Sport

The Palazzetto dello Sport is the most famous symbol. Its circular shape reflects that of a pantheon.

Its creation was originally entrusted by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) to architect Annibale Vitellozzi: it was his remit to design a medium-sized, inexpensive sports arena prototype to be reproduced in every Italian city. Vitellozzi turned to Pier Luigi Nervi to find a structurally optimal solution to create the huge span of the roof. The project developed was both simple and audacious: a 60-metre wide dome is supported by sloping buttresses placed on a 78-metre-diametre exterior circular rim. The whole supporting structure is made of reinforced concrete.

The field of play, raised above ground level, is surrounded by crescent-shaped stands. The meticulously ribbed roof is composed of 1,620 pre-fabricated elements of 19 different sizes, created using a system patented by Nervi.

It took only a little more than a year and an investment of some 200 million Lira (USD 14,000) to produce the Palazzetto dello Sport, in which, in the stifling heat of the Roman summer, the basketball matches and weightlifting competitions of the 1960 Olympic Games took place.

Client: Pier Luigi Nervi Project

Period: 2013

Project leader: Cristiana Chiorino

The first exhibition on Pier Luigi Nervi | 2010-2013

Pier Luigi Nervi. Architecture as Challenge“ is the first exhibition dedicated to the Italian engineer thirty years after his death and organized by the Pier Luigi Nervi Research and Knowledge Management Project with the CIVA in Brussels and in collaboration with the Maxxi Archives in Rome and the CSAC Archives in Parma. In each stage the exhibition is enriched with new sections. After Brussels (Civa, June-August 2010), the exhibition moved to Venice (Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi, Architetcue Biennale off event, September-October 2010), Rome (Maxxi,Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo, December 2010), Turin (Torino Esposizioni – Hall C, April- July 2011 – Cristiana Chiorino guides you to the exhibition), Copenhagen (Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis skoler for Arkitektur, Design og Konservering, March-May 2012), Mantua (Palazzo Te, September-December 2012), Salerno (Complesso Monumentale di S. Sofia, December 2012 – February 2013 ), Lausanne (Epfl, April- June 2013), Zurich (Eth, September-October 2013) and Wroclaw (Museum of Architecture, September-November 2013). In 2014, the exhibition has been transformed in a light version travelling around the world.

Cristiana Chiorino coordinated the Scientific Secretariat of the exhibition and curated the section on the Labour palace (Turin, 1961).

She was also coeditor of the catalogue (Silvana Editoriale, 2010)


Client: Pier Luigi Nervi Project Asbl, Brussels 

Period: 2010-2013

Ordine Architetti Torino | Tour at the new Turin campus | 2012

During the second edition of the Turin Architecture Festival (2012), promoted by the Chamber of Architects, we organized a series of visits to the architecture of Turin. The tours involved citizenship in two cycling tours on Carlo Mollino and Pier Luigi Nervi and on a guided tour of the yard of the former Italgas area, transformed into the new university campus Luigi Einaudi of the faculties of Law and Political Science. The director of the works, architect Mino Turvani (Studio Icis), welcomed visitors by illustrating the intentions of the project and its realization by accompanying visitors to the site.


Carlo Mollino | Haus der Kunst – Monaco | 2012

Carlo Mollino. Maniera moderna” was promoted and organised by the pretigious Haus der Kunst in Munich. It displayed for the first time in Germany the polyedric architect from Torino, reading his projects through a selection of buildings, furniture, photographs and passions: from the Casa del Sole (Cervinia) to the Regio Theatre (Torino), from the Lutrario Dance Hall (Torino) to the House on the Agra plateau (Luino) and unpublished Polaroid photographs (all preserved in the archives of the Faculty of Architecture of the Politecnico of Torino), the DaMolNar, the manuals on skiing and the history of photography. The exhibition displays a large selection of furniture too: chairs, armchairs and tables designed inside his interiors.

Laura Milan was research assistant for the exhibition and assistant to the scientific curator of the Carlo Mollino Fund and participated in the writing of the catalogue and of the booklet.

Client: Haus der Kunst, Munich

Period: 2011-2012

Carlo Mollino – Maniera Moderna
15 settembre 2011 – 08 gennaio 2012
Haus der Kunst, Munich
in cooperation with Museo Casa Mollino, Turin, the Archive of the Central Library for Architecture of the Polytechnic, Turin, and the State Academy of Design, Karlsruhe

Curators: Chris Dercon, Director Tate Modern, London in cooperation with Wilfried Kuehn, Curator and Architect, Berlin, and Armin Linke, Curator and Artist, Berlin

Catalogue: with essays by Luca Cerizza, Beatriz Colomina, Fulvio and Napoleone Ferrari, Kurt W. Forster, Wilfried Kuehn, and a photographical essay by Armin Linke, in English

Ordine Architetti Torino | “3xcinquanta=1″ | 2011

Dedicated to the architectures built for Turin as Capital of Italy and for the two following celebrations of the Unity of Italy (1911, 1961) , the exhibition “3xcinquanta=1″ inaugurated the 2011 “Architecture Festival”. Through photographs of the most significant architectures, the symbolic dates of the Turin’s celebrations of the Unity (1861,1911, 1961) were traced to understand how the city faced the challenges of change by progressively building a new image of itself. We took care of the part dedicated to 1961: the “magnificent and progressive” celebrations represented by the creation of the district of Italia ’61 and the opening of new construction sites, the Labour Palace by Pier Luigi Nervi and the Vela Palace by Franco Levi and Nicolas Esquillan, long-lasting icons – and a complex legacy – of Italy’s ambition for modernity and international recognition in the years of the economic and industrial take-off of the country.

Client: Chamber of Architects of Turin

Period: 13-31 July 2011

What we did: curators of the section on Italy ’61 (Project Leader Cristiana Chiorino)