“Carlo Mollino. Maniera moderna” was promoted and organised by the pretigious Haus der Kunst in Munich. It displayed for the first time in Germany the polyedric architect from Torino, reading his projects through a selection of buildings, furniture, photographs and passions: from the Casa del Sole (Cervinia) to the Regio Theatre (Torino), from the Lutrario Dance Hall (Torino) to the House on the Agra plateau (Luino) and unpublished Polaroid photographs (all preserved in the archives of the Faculty of Architecture of the Politecnico of Torino), the DaMolNar, the manuals on skiing and the history of photography. The exhibition displays a large selection of furniture too: chairs, armchairs and tables designed inside his interiors.
Laura Milan was research assistant for the exhibition and assistant to the scientific curator of the Carlo Mollino Fund and participated in the writing of the catalogue and of the booklet.
Client: Haus der Kunst, Munich
Period: 2011-2012
Carlo Mollino – Maniera Moderna
15 settembre 2011 – 08 gennaio 2012
Haus der Kunst, Munich
in cooperation with Museo Casa Mollino, Turin, the Archive of the Central Library for Architecture of the Polytechnic, Turin, and the State Academy of Design, Karlsruhe
Curators: Chris Dercon, Director Tate Modern, London in cooperation with Wilfried Kuehn, Curator and Architect, Berlin, and Armin Linke, Curator and Artist, Berlin
Catalogue: with essays by Luca Cerizza, Beatriz Colomina, Fulvio and Napoleone Ferrari, Kurt W. Forster, Wilfried Kuehn, and a photographical essay by Armin Linke, in English