Guiding Architects Turin

Our clients
Since 2014 we have guided more than 400 groups of architects, engineers, students or enthusiasts.
Among our clients are:
Universities: Australia: Monash University, Swinburne University Melbourne Austria: Technische Universität Wien, Universität Innsbruck Architekturtheorie Belgium: Institut du patrimoine Wallon Centre des métiers du patrimoine « la Paix-Dieu », Université Libre de Bruxelles, Université di Mons, Université de Liège, Faculty of Design Sciences University of Antwerp Germany: Fakultät für Architektur der RWTH Aachen, Technische Universität Berlin, Technische Universität München, Universität Stuttgart Institut für Tragkonstruktionen und konstruktives Entwerfen, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus- Senftenberg, Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart – HFT, Universität Leipzig, Dessau International Architecture Graduate School- Anhalt Hochschule, Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Universität der Künste Berlin France: Ecole d’architecture de Paris-Belleville, Université de Lille, École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Lyon, École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Grenoble Ireland: Dublin Institute of Technology Italy: DomusAcademy Sweden: Chalmers University in Goteborg Switzerland: Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, Haute école d’ingénierie et d’architecture Fribourg – HEIA-FR, EPFL Lausanne, Hochschule Luzern Technik & Architektur, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz – FHNW, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften – ZHAW, ETH Zürich, Schweizerische Bauschule Aarau United Kingdom: University College London, Architectural Association, Westminster University, Trent University, Newcastle University, Nottingham University United States: Kansas University, University of Pennsylvania
Associations: Austria: Architekturzentrum Wien Canada: Building Industry and Land Development Association, Toronto Germany: Münchener Architekten und Ingenieur-Verein, Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg, Bund Deutscher Architekten Bremen France: Union des Architectes des Hauts de Seine Finland: Helsinki Civil Engineers and Architects RIA Italy: Associazione Real Estate Ladies Spain: Basque-Navarre Association of Architectural Planners Switzerland: Stadtbildkommission of Zofingen, Schweizerischer Werkbund section Romande, Schweizerische Werkbund Bern, Bund Schweizer Architekten Zentralschweiz, Bund Schweizer Architekten Ostschweiz, SIA St. Gallen und Appenzell Sektion Schweizerischen Ingenieur und Architektenvereins, Architektur Forum Obersee, Thurgauische Kunstgesellschaft United Kingdom: Fai UK
Architects Offices: France: Nouvelle AOM Germany: Lentz Frings Partner, Dogrul + Kurz, Gkt, Wurm Italy: Chris Bangle Associates, Carlo Ratti Associati Sweden: Rundquist, Sjögren, Wingårdh & Medarbetare Switzerland: Agps, Architekturglarner, Asa, Atba, Bächi Steiner, Berrel Berrel Kräutler, Bernath+Widmer, Boltshauser, Clea Gross, Conzett Bronzini Gartmann, Darlington Meier, Esch Sintzel, Ernst Niklaus Fausch, Ewp, Forum 4 AG für Architektur, Graf Biscioni, Gmür & Geschwentner, Hönig, Horisberger Wagen, Huggenbergerfries, Itten+Brechbüh, Paul Knill, Masswerk Architekten, :mlzd, Neukom – Hiestand, Page, Pool, Ramser Schmid, Staufer & Hasler, Square One, Trinkler Stula Achille The Netherlands: bv Mathieu Bruls, Stadkwadraat United Kingdom: AKT II, Horden Cherry Lee, Fereday Pollard, Hopkins United States: Peter Tomashevski, Flavin Judd
Companies: Austria: Müller Wohnbau Australia: Australian International Design Tours Germany: Sto, Piemont Pur United Kingdom: Motion Europe Switzerland: IC Infraconsult, EBP Schweiz, Schweizer Immoplan
Institutions: Italy:Fondazione Olivetti
“Our guide has a very wide-ranging acknowledge about Torino, it’s architecture and history. she was the perfect tour guide for our architecture-office. She was very nice, competent, helpful and patient. We appreciated that she had the grasp for our team within a short time, molto simpatica. Architecture is her passion, we could see and feel it. We thank her very much for the impression of the faboulous city that we got and the long-lasting memories”, Angela Kammer,Forum 4 AG für Architektur, Interlaken, Switzerland
“Ivrea would have been hard to understand without a guide. Our guide was particularly knowledgeable so we had an outstanding experience“, Susan G. Salomon, curator, Princeton, Usa
What should you expect from a Guiding Architects network member?
• Efficient and timely pre-tour communication
• A clear and concise quote with detailed descriptions of all services offered
• A professional and detailed program that responds to your brief
• Well-organized tours, guided by professionals from the field of architecture and urbanism
• Up-to-date and first-hand architectural, urban and cultural information about the city, making your trip an unforgettable experience
Please tell us about your experience with the Guiding Architects Network by filling in our Feedback Form
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