The first exhibition on Pier Luigi Nervi | 2010-2013
”Pier Luigi Nervi. Architecture as Challenge“ is the first exhibition dedicated to the Italian engineer thirty years after his death and organized by the Pier Luigi Nervi Research and Knowledge Management Project with the CIVA in Brussels and in collaboration with the Maxxi Archives in Rome and the CSAC Archives in Parma. In each stage the exhibition is enriched with new sections. After Brussels (Civa, June-August 2010), the exhibition moved to Venice (Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi, Architetcue Biennale off event, September-October 2010), Rome (Maxxi,Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo, December 2010), Turin (Torino Esposizioni – Hall C, April- July 2011 – Cristiana Chiorino guides you to the exhibition), Copenhagen (Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis skoler for Arkitektur, Design og Konservering, March-May 2012), Mantua (Palazzo Te, September-December 2012), Salerno (Complesso Monumentale di S. Sofia, December 2012 – February 2013 ), Lausanne (Epfl, April- June 2013), Zurich (Eth, September-October 2013) and Wroclaw (Museum of Architecture, September-November 2013). In 2014, the exhibition has been transformed in a light version travelling around the world.
Cristiana Chiorino coordinated the Scientific Secretariat of the exhibition and curated the section on the Labour palace (Turin, 1961).
She was also coeditor of the catalogue (Silvana Editoriale, 2010)
Client: Pier Luigi Nervi Project Asbl, Brussels
Period: 2010-2013