Monthly Archives: Ottobre 2019

Festival Utopian Hours | Torinostratosferica | 2018-2019

Since October 2018 we follow for Torinostratosferica the Press Office of Utopian Hours festival the first festival on city making and city imaging in Italy. The aim of the festival was to show the enormous potential of the city of Turin, through the comparison with a series of successful cases selected in the world scene, which will be told by the protagonists who generated these urban changes.

Unique in the Italian scene, the festival of Torinostratosferica Utopian Hours has enriched the collective experiment of urban imagination (city imaging) started in 2014 by the non-profit Torino Stratosferica cultural association led by Luca Ballarini. Torino Stratosferica is an innovative project of city imaging that brings forward visually based narrative and powerful imagery to highlight the potential of the city and leverage its positioning.

The festival was organized in the context of Turin Design of the City, a week of meetings, exhibitions and workshops dedicated to design.

Press review of the 2019 edition

Artec Annual Meeting | Politecnico di Torino | 2019

From February to September 2019 we have worked for Ar.Tec. (Associazione per la promozione dei rapporti tra architettura e tecniche dell’edilizia) for the organization of the association annual symposium in Turin,  Colloqui.AT.e 2019. INGEGNO E COSTRUZIONE NELL’EPOCA DELLA COMPLESSITÀ, held at Politecnico di Torino, from 25 to 28 of  September 2019.

We have followed the Call for abstracts, the selection of papers, the double peer review, the editing of the abstracts and of the full papers.

Book of Abstracts









Full Papers