City of Bergamo | European Competition Piacentiniano Centre | 2016

The winning project by Arch. Luigino Pirola (group leader), Arch. Maria Claudia Peretti, Arch. Simone Zenoni, Eng. Carlo Peretti, Arch. Gianluca Gelmini and Arch. Elena Franchioni

From March 2017 to March 2018 we have been responsible of the Press Office of the European Urban Design Competition “Concorso Bergamo Centro Piacentiniano”, aiming to give new life to one of the central areas of the Lower Town of Bergamo (IT). Launched by the City of Bergamo in May 2017, the European two phases competition challenged Italian and International designing teams to submit masterplan proposals for the redevelopment of the Piacentiniano Centre and its uses through the overhaul of open areas, squares and public spaces. It asked for proposals that would strengthen and renovate its role as the identity generator of the city centre, improve its livability and re-use the discarded public and private buildings.

The site was designed in the early thirties by the architect Marcello Piacentini and the engineer Giuseppe Quaroni, who, with the proposal “Panorama”, won a competition promoted in 1907 to transform the former area of the Fair. The project gave birth to a service centre for the commercial, political, administrative, financial and judicial activities of the city. It is set on an rigid orthogonal plant and redefined the buildings on the “Sentierone”. Many important local and national architects including Giovanni Muzio, Sandro Angelini, Ernesto Suardo and the same Piacentini signed the projects of buildings such as Headquarters of the Banca d’Italia and the Chamber of Commerce, the Bergamo Bank and the Palace of Justice.


Press Review

Client: City of Bergamo

Year: March 2017- March 2018